Saturday 21 July 2012

Balanced Scorecard Software

Balanced Scorecard Software | Dashboard Software | Strategy Map Software

 Our Mission: To make Balanced Scorecard Software, Dashboard Software, Strategy Map and Business Intelligence Software Affordable and Easy for Anyone and Everyone. People like you are OTUS Analytics. We are a small team of exceptionally experienced data users who believe that we work to live and life is too short for dashboard, strategy map and balanced scorecard software to be expensive and hard to use. 

Plan With Starter Examples!

Matt Clarke
UX Whisperer
Matt is your resident philosopher and the master mediator between you, our users, and your technology. He's had a focus on your user experience since he taught logic, the theory and social implications of computing, as well as the history and philosophy of science. His whisper is the voice of two decades of experience in software for data analytics. He actually cares if your balanced scorecards, dashboards and strategy maps are easy to make and share.
Ho Man Boa
Codeur Extraordinaire
Homan is the man who was born to code. He's simply high voltage left brain wired! You will be pleased to note that he is comfortable communicating in both Chinese and English but also managed to master French for studies at the Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble! So, feel free to contact us in any language! He codes your app fully in Ruby on Rails, Sencha Ext JS 4, HTML and CSS!
Ashley Greene
Design Diva
Ashley is your web artiste. Your color palette, site design and flow are all the result of her creative genius. Ashley is a student of graphic design at the Art Institute of Phoenix. Ashley works over time to bring you a beautiful, easy to navigate, colorfully pleasing and clearly stated website. You can see more of her work at Ashley Greene's Digital Portfolio'
Mike Griffin
Ad Meister
Mike is your grizzled veteran on the team. His first data analytics experience was bringing your med-techs and doctors computer generated charts and graphs. Three decades of strategy map, dashboard and balanced scorecard software development experience have taught him that easy to use, beautiful and affordable are the key to everyday use. Great dashboard, strategy map and balanced scorecard software have to be easy for anyone and everyone to afford and use.
Jeff Sorley
Character Crafter
Jeff Sorley is responsible for the visual character communication. He brings life to the OTUS Analytics "demonstration team", the DASHBOTS. He knows that it's easier and more fun to "get" the point if Dashbots deliver it well. Jeff is a master cartoonist who owns Asplenia Studios, a design and illustration studio whose website is guaranteed to amuse you on every visit!


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